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The Best Way to Learn How to Code in 2024

Codecademy has been around for awhile now, but we felt this masterful site deserved to be highlighted in an article. It is one of the resources I originally used when I was learning how to code.

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The Best Way to Learn How to Code in 2024

Codecademy has been around for awhile now, but we felt this masterful site deserved to be highlighted in an article. It is one of the resources I originally used when I was learning how to code.

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Unveiling the Fascination of the Collatz Conjecture: Exploring Sequence Creation with JavaScript

The Collatz Conjecture, also known as the 3x+1 problem, is a fascinating mathematical puzzle that has intrigued mathematicians for decades. It has sparked publications with titles such as The Simplest Math Problem Could Be Unsolvable, or The Simple Math Problem We Still Can’t Solve because it is, indeed, rather simple-looking.

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The Art of Data Visualization: Exploring D3.js

Data is everywhere, flowing into our applications from various sources at an unprecedented rate. However, raw data alone holds little value unless it can be transformed into meaningful insights.

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JavaScript’s Secret Weapon: Supercharge Your Web Apps with Web Workers

During an interview, I was asked how we could make JavaScript multi-threaded. I was stumped, and admitted I didn’t know… JavaScript is a single-threaded language.

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Creating a NodeJS Budgeting Tool

In this article, we’re going to show you how to read and write to a .txt file using NodeJS by creating a small budgeting CLI (Command Line Interface).

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Becoming a Hacker: Must Read Security & Cyber Crime Books

In our most recent publication, we delved into security and cyber crime blogs you should be reading to stay up-to-date with modern threats, bugs, and crimes.

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