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10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Developing a Website

Developing a website can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, it can also be a frustrating and challenging process, especially if you’re new to web development.

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Cookies vs. Local Storage vs. Session Storage: What’s the difference?

In this article, we’re going to explore three types of storage methods: cookies, local storage, and session storage. We’ll take a look at some examples and explore their differences.

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Using Event Listeners in JavaScript

The addEventListener() method is a powerful tool in web development that allows developers to add event handlers to an HTML element.

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HTTP Status Codes You Should Know About As a Web Developer

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) status codes are a crucial part of web development. They indicate the status of a request and response between a client and a server.

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Create React App Alternatives in 2024

Three days ago, Dan Abramov responded to a GitHub pull request that addressed the issues newer developers find themselves facing by using create-react-app (CRA).

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Consequences of Badly Planned (or unplanned) Software and Not Writing Clean Code

We all made small personal projects without making any kind of planning or documentation. But when we get involved in big-scale projects, we need to have a solid plan.

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