Showing Post From Tutorial

Creating a Real Time Chat Application with React, Node, and TailwindCSS

In this tutorial, we will show you how to build a real-time chat application using React and Vite,as well as a simple Node backend.

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Creating a NodeJS Budgeting Tool

In this article, we’re going to show you how to read and write to a .txt file using NodeJS by creating a small budgeting CLI (Command Line Interface).

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Routing with Angular: A Quick Tutorial

Today, we’ll be looking at the navigation and routing aspects in Angular. This tutorial is a continuation of our previous starter tutorial where we created a simple Angular application, installed Tailwind CSS, and created a navigation bar.

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Creating a Navbar with Angular 17 and Tailwind CSS

Angular is a popular front-end framework, currently in its 17th iteration! Developed by Google and loved by many, it is currently one of the most relevant technologies one can be learning today.

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Creating a Dark Theme Slider For Your Website with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Local Storage

The JavaScript Today blog was without a dark theme for awhile. We promised ourselves we would focus on creating content before developing new features on the site.

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5 Useful JavaScript Snippets You Should Know About

In this article, we’re going to explore 5 different JavaScript snippets that you can use in your projects. Snippets are definitely useful to keep on hand, as you may never know when you’re going to need them, and there’s no point in rewriting code every time you need to get something done.

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