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The Self-Taught Programmer: An Interview with William Springer II, PhD

If you’re a self-taught developer, you might feel like you’re missing something. Like there’s a huge gap in your knowledge.

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6 Tech Trends To Be Ready For In 2023

2022 has been a wild year for tech. Elon Musk purchased Twitter. We’ve seen collapse after collapse of crypto markets (web3, anyone?

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Differences Between Front-End and Back-End Development

You might have been reading an article about web development and stumbled upon these two terms: front-end (i.e. “client-side”) & back-end (i.

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13 Essential Resources for Front-End Developers

When building websites, we need resources. Images, fonts, frameworks, and more. In this article, we’re going to explore 13 essential resources that will make your life easier as a front-end developer.

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How to Teach Your Child How to Code

Mark Zuckerberg chooses to read books or write code with his daughters before bed, according to his wife, Priscilla Chan in an article with The Times of London.

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: The Interview Process

You’ve spent some time learning how to code. You’re able to build fully-fledged applications. You’re confident in your abilities. However, when it comes to the interviewing process, you find yourself at a standstill.

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