Showing Post From JavaScript

Why Interviewers Still ask ‘FizzBuzz’ in 2022

This problem has been around for such a long time. Anyone who has been writing code for even a little while has probably come across it.

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JavaScript Interview Question: Counting vowels

In this article, we have a fun algorithm challenge: vowels.js. It’s a simple problem – count the vowels in a string.

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Create a Node.js Weather App - Get the weather from the command line

In this article, we’ll make a weather app CLI (command-line interface). We’ll use the OpenWeather API, axios, and pure Node.js. So before we get started, head on over to OpenWeather and create an account, you’ll need an API key to continue with the article.

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Hiding the Menu on Right-Click with JavaScript

There are a number of reasons someone would want to disable right-clicks on their websites. Most notably, people do it to prevent users from downloading images, or copying text.

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How to Copy Text to Clipboard with JavaScript

You might have seen some websites that allow you to click a button to copy some contents to the clipboard. You might have wondered how this is accomplished.

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How to Chunk an Array with JavaScript

In this article, we’ll explore another common interview question for JavaScript developers – Chunk an Array. Now, like all of these interview questions, this one is not so complicated.

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